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Система для очищення води, очищення води за допомогою срібла для їдалень, пивоварні, кафе та ресторанів To get the consultation
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Restaurants, cafes
High-quality water purification in restaurants and cafes

Success in the work of catering establishments directly depends on the quality and taste of drinks, food, and they, in turn, are dependent on water. Ordinary tap water flowing through old and rusty pipes cannot improve the taste of dishes, in addition it contains chlorine, metals and other substances harmful to the body. Even the most delicious dish based on such water will be hopelessly spoiled.

For owners of restaurants and cafes, first of all, it is important to take care of the availability of water of adequate quality in sufficient volume. A good solution is a system for water purification in cafes and restaurants. Using purchased or bottled water is not an economically viable undertaking. The best solution is water filtration for cafes and restaurants with full-fledged complexes.

Why perform additional water purification?

Water is a solvent that works with metals and contains many insoluble substances that can adversely affect health and technique. Clean water can also be contaminated, but they will not adversely affect people or appliances. Unfortunately, such water is rare, and cheap and ordinary household water filters may not always provide the desired results.

The sources of central water supply in cities differ, but more often H2O contains:

Chlorine is used to kill bacteria. The substance adds a pungent smell and taste to water, and can provoke a number of diseases.
Iron – very often found in tap water or well fluids. You can identify the element by its yellowish tint and the taste of the metal. Constant use leads to poor health and the appearance of brown plaque on appliances, towels.
Solirigidity is the cause of scale, the development of kidney stones. You can determine by the white coating in teapots.

Without water treatment for cafes and restaurants, the described substances are capable of:

Deteriorate the taste of food and drinks.
Spoil the external parameters of plumbing.
Make tablecloths, towels yellow.
To increase the fact of breakdown of household appliances.

Water purification for canteens, breweries, cafes and restaurants is essential. It is difficult to talk about high-quality service without it.

Osmosis for cafes, bars, restaurants and other systems that provide water purification in catering places provide a number of advantages:

Removal of harmful impurities.
Improving the taste of food and drinks, which is important for catering places.
Pure water for coffee machines reveals all the flavor notes of coffee beans, and pure water for coffee shops is the key to the success of the entire establishment.
Full compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards.
Saving detergents.
Increase the service life of special equipment, household appliances and other equipment.

Proper selection and installation of a water purification system will help to experience all the advantages described. The choice also depends on the presence of substances that need to be eliminated.

Water purification options for cafes, restaurants, canteens by type of filters may differ. Modern systems remove mechanical, chemical and biological contaminants, some operate in combination, others neutralize individual impurities. It is possible to apply water purification with silver, but the most popular options are as follows:

Ultraviolet cleaning – destroys viruses and microorganisms. Ultraviolet does not change the chemical properties of the liquid.
Adsorption on activated carbon – removes organic impurities, chlorine, and other compounds. The method provides almost 100% purification from various elements. Sorption cleaning is able to remove hydrogen sulfide.
Softening – eliminates calcium and magnesium salts. Special filters are used. This will eliminate the development of scale, reduces the likelihood of deposits in pipes, equipment and plumbing.
Reverse osmosis – for work we use semi-permeable selective membranes, which pass mainly water molecules.

To choose a system, it is important to familiarize yourself with the technology of the institution itself, the features. After installation, clean water for cooking will be able to flow immediately from the tap.

In Ukraine, we are actively working in such regions as: Lutsk, Lviv, Uzhgorod, Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi, Ternopil, Khmelnitsky, Rivne

In Romania, we are actively working in such regions as: Satu Mare, Neamu, Kemeras, Covasna, Botosani, Suceava, Maramures, Bistrita-Neseud, Mures, Bakeu, Vaslui, Iasi, Bihor, Selaj, Hartita

You can apply for other services of our company with water treatment for: Hospitals, Education, Boilers plants, Restaurants and cafes, Hotels and bases for repair, Car wash, Food industry, Chemical and pharmaceutical, Machine budding, Cottages, Apartments

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