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Cottages - TM "Aquacenter" To get the consultation
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High-quality water purification in cottages

High-quality water purification is by no means a luxury, but a necessity due to modern ecology. The fact that our water in nine cases out of ten is unsuitable both for drinking and for household purposes is an indisputable fact.

It is a very common misconception that water from a well, wells, by default, is clean and drinkable, unfortunately, this is not the case, water from a well and wells is a hotbed of various organic compounds. Even without visible signs (unpleasant smell, color, taste, turbidity, sediment, scale on the kettle), the water may contain substances such as: chlorine, iron, manganese, hydrogen sulfide, ammonium, nitrates, silt, sand, bacteria, microbes, viruses , mushrooms and much more.
The result – problems with teeth, skin, hair, cardiovascular diseases, kidney stones, impaired bowel function.

In addition, significant damage is caused to plumbing and household appliances (washing machines and dishwashers, boilers, boilers) – corrosion, scale, loss of efficiency. All this happens due to the fact that water passes through layers of the earth with different chemical composition and is saturated with various substances, often harmful. Also, do not forget about the general background of pollution of sources that fall into the water. Therefore, water purification in a private house is necessary.

Just some examples:

Mechanical impurities.
Sand, clay, mineral deposits, dissolved iron oxidized in water reduce pressure and prevent the free movement of water in the water supply. Sediment also damages plumbing, it cracks and becomes covered with dull spots, spray nozzles often become clogged and plumbing wears out much faster.

Dissolved iron Fe2+.
Long-term human consumption of water with a high iron content (more than 0.3 mg/l) can lead to serious illnesses, in addition, a yellow coating appears on plumbing, the water becomes unsuitable for food purposes. Due to oxidative processes and the vital activity of glandular bacteria, the water supply system can completely “overgrow” in a few months.

High content of manganese (Mn).
An excess of manganese (over 0.1 mg/l) causes a disease of the skeletal system. Such water has a yellowish color and an astringent taste.

Increased fluorine content (F).
When using water with a high fluorine content (more than 0.7-1.5 mg / l), a person becomes ill with fluorosis, leading to tooth decay and damage to the gastrointestinal tract, joint mobility is lost.

Increased content of calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) (hard water).
When calcium and magnesium salts are deposited on the heating elements, scale is formed, which significantly reduces their performance and often causes them to break. Hardness above 4.5 mg-eq/l leads to intensive accumulation of sediment in the water supply system and plumbing, interferes with the operation of household appliances.

Also, ingestion of water with increased hardness leads to the accumulation of salts in the body and, ultimately, to diseases of the joints (arthritis, polyarthritis), to the formation of stones in the kidneys, gall bladder and bladder.

With the help of cleaning systems, it is possible to remove large-fraction mechanical impurities, chemicals, fragments of heavy metals, bacteria, microbes and other foreign elements that are harmful to human health, plumbing and household appliances.

To achieve a good result, it is not enough just to buy water purification systems. It is important to entrust the installation to true professionals, otherwise mistakes cannot be avoided, and they will have to be corrected.

The water purification system for a private house and cottage is a set of equipment for the effective filtration of the water you use. Filters for a private house, their selection and installation, takes place individually, taking into account the analysis of water, the number of people living in the house, the volume of water consumption and, of course, the financial aspect.

Water treatment in a cottage or a private house is carried out by the Aquacenter Company, which offers you the services of the best specialists in the industry who will select the equipment exactly for your needs and requirements, mount it and ensure efficient operation.

We are actively working in such regions as: Lutsk, Lviv, Uzhgorod, Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi, Ternopil, Khmelnitsky, Rivne

In Romania, we are actively working in such regions as: Satu Mare, Neamu, Kemeras, Covasna, Botosani, Suceava, Maramures, Bistrita-Neseud, Mures, Bakeu, Vaslui, Iasi, Bihor, Selaj, Hartita

You can apply for other services of our company with water treatment for: Hospitals, Education, Boilers plants, Restaurants and cafes, Hotels and bases for repair, Car wash, Food industry, Chemical and pharmaceutical, Machine budding, Cottages, Apartments


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3 in 1
Aquacenter replaces three contractors
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A 24/7 quick response service has been created in the Aquacenter company
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Wastewater treatment
Our local treatment facilities "Platon" and "Platon - mini" - have no analogues in Ukraine
More than 25 years on the market
We have been working since 1998 in Ukraine