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Промышленная водоподготовка и водоочистка, решение по очистке воды в химической промышленности для всех видов промышленности, промышленных предприятий To get the consultation
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Chemical and pharmaceutical
Chemical industry, radio electronics and pharmaceuticals.

Water treatment in the chemical industry is an important part of the whole process. Water in these industries often has to meet high chemical requirements. Often, deep demineralization of water is necessary, bringing the total mineralization index to 0.1 mg/l. and less. (for drinking water, the allowable rate is 1000 mg/l.) Water is purified from any type of impurities, the amount of metals and other harmful elements is reduced. Water purification for industry is needed for the reason that it is used as the main ingredient for the manufacture of many chemicals.

Why is water treatment important for all types of industry and where water is used:

– in heating or cooling systems;
– in steam boilers;
– for flushing synthesis reactors;
– for dissolution and purification of ingredients;
– for absorption, flotation or extraction.

Water treatment methods for industrial enterprises:

Industrial water treatment and water treatment helps not only to improve the quality of water, but also its characteristics. In addition, these factors have a positive effect on the service life of the equipment, improving technological processes. In the chemical industry, several methods of industrial water treatment are used:

– Ultraviolet cleaning – helps to remove viruses and microorganisms in the water. Unlike chemical methods, ultraviolet cleaning does not change the chemical properties.

– Adsorption on activated carbon – during adsorption, organic impurities, chlorine, organochlorine compounds are removed. The method will help to purify water to almost zero residual concentration of various elements. Sorption cleaning in industrial filters can remove hydrogen sulfide.

– Softening – removes magnesium and calcium salts, making the water softer. This is achieved with the help of special filters-softeners. We offer 3 softening methods – nanofiltration, reagent, ion-exchange. Removal of ions of hardness salts eliminates the appearance of scale, reduces the likelihood of deposits on the walls of pipes and equipment.

– Reverse osmosis – semi-permeable selective membranes are used, which pass predominantly water molecules.

For deep demineralization, the following cleaning methods and combinations can be used:

– two-stage reverse osmosis;
– electrodeionization;
– ion exchange for mixtures of a strongly acidic cation exchanger and a strongly basic anion exchanger.

Solutions for water treatment in the chemical industry, radio electronics, and the pharmaceutical sector will be implemented by Aquacenter specialists. Our company offers you the services of the best craftsmen in the industry. They will carry out water treatment for the pharmaceutical industry, select equipment exactly for your needs and requirements, mount it and ensure efficient operation, service, repair work, after which you can use clean water for the preparation of medicines, consumption and other tasks.

In Ukraine, we are actively working in such regions as: Lutsk, Lviv, Uzhgorod, Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi, Ternopil, Khmelnitsky, Rivne

In Romania, we are actively working in such regions as: Satu Mare, Neamu, Kemeras, Covasna, Botosani, Suceava, Maramures, Bistrita-Neseud, Mures, Bakeu, Vaslui, Iasi, Bihor, Selaj, Hartita

You can apply for other services of our company with water treatment for: Hospitals, Education, Boilers plants, Restaurants and cafes, Hotels and bases for repair, Car wash, Food industry, Chemical and pharmaceutical, Machine budding, Cottages, Apartments

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Why choose us
3 in 1
Aquacenter replaces three contractors
Service 24/7
A 24/7 quick response service has been created in the Aquacenter company
Quality and a happy customer is our main goal
We do what others can't!
Wastewater treatment
Our local treatment facilities "Platon" and "Platon - mini" - have no analogues in Ukraine
More than 25 years on the market
We have been working since 1998 in Ukraine