Tehnologia de tratare a apelor uzate (tratarea biologică a apelor uzate)
Compania Aquacenter oferă o gamă largă de instalații de tratare biologică a apelor uzate. Am acumulat o vastă experiență în proiectarea, fabricarea, instalarea și operarea diferitelor tipuri de stații de epurare a apelor uzate. Cu această experiență, am dezvoltat o gamă model de structuri de tipul «Platon». În fiecare caz specific, este selectat modelul optim care se potrivește cel mai bine instalației Clientului.
- 🔹 Tratarea biologică este cea mai economică metodă de îndepărtare a poluanților biodegradabili din apele uzate;
- 🔹 Acesta este un tratament aplicabil unei game largi de ape uzate (casnice, industriale etc.);
- 🔹 Procesul de curățare este automatizat;
- 🔹 Apele uzate tratate pot fi refolosite prin procese terțiare;
Introduction to the technology
The removal of biodegradable organic matter, as well as nitrogen and phosphorus by means of biological decomposition is the most economical and simple method of wastewater treatment and is widely used in municipal services.
Biological wastewater treatment is based on the ability of microorganisms to decompose organic matter present in wastewater, using it for their nutrition and ensuring their own growth and reproduction. In addition to organic matter, microorganisms need trace elements (mainly nitrogen and phosphorus), the excess of which is also contained in wastewater. The main link in the treatment facilities, where microorganisms are located and the biological treatment process takes place, is the bioreactor. Subsequently, after treatment, the water is discharged from the facilities, and the microorganisms remain in the bioreactor. Thus, microorganisms are responsible for the removal of organic substances present in water both in solid (in the form of suspended particles) particles and in dissolved form. There are aerobic (in the presence of air supplied to the bioreactor) and anaerobic (without air supply) purification processes. In modern bioreactors, both of these processes are often carried out, separated in space or time. The design of a bioreactor consists in the optimal selection and arrangement of biological processes occurring in it.
The set of microorganisms in a bioreactor is very diverse and rich. The diversity of species of organisms and their composition depends on the properties of the wastewater being treated and the conditions of the technological process. In other words, a kind of ecosystem is formed in the bioreactor, which continuously adapts to changing external conditions.
The limitations of this type of treatment are related to the possibility of biodegradation (decomposition) of pollutants and the presence of biocides in wastewater (substances that inhibit (slow down) biological processes and the growth of microorganisms).
Domeniu de aplicare:
- 🔹 Ape uzate urbane
- 🔹 Ape uzate menajere și similare generate din satele de cabane, hoteluri și facilități municipale (spitale, grădinițe, școli, complexe sanitare etc.)
- 🔹 Ape uzate din industria alimentară și gospodării. ape uzate menajere de la întreprinderi
- 🔹 Ape uzate de la unitățile de alimentație publică (cafenele, restaurante etc.)